EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
What is EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) ?

EFT, commonly known as “tapping”, is a simple and practical emotional release technique that allows for long-lasting calming of both the body and mind. We use our fingers to gently stimulate specific acupressure points along the body’s meridians (on the face, torso, fingertips, and hands) while focusing on a specific and particular experience. The act leads to a decrease in cortisol levels and therefore reduces stress.
It has been proven that the stimulation of specific meridian points can :
- Reduce disruptive emotions and stress
- Improve sleep
- Restore energy balance in the body
What is EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) ?
EFT, commonly known as “tapping”, is a simple and practical emotional release technique that allows for long-lasting calming of both the body and mind. We use our fingers to gently stimulate specific acupressure points along the body’s meridians (on the face, torso, fingertips, and hands) while focusing on a specific and particular experience.
It is not always necessary to speak during tapping. The act itself leads to a decrease in cortisol levels and therefore reduces stress.
It has been proven that the stimulation of specific meridian points can :
- Reduce disruptive emotions and stress
- Improve sleep
- Restore energy balance in the body.

Efficiency of EFT for sleep
Tapping can help calm an overactive mind and relieve certain physical or emotional pains. It helps soothe rumination and anxiety related to daily life or the prospect of sleep. Emotional Freedom Techniques also help regulate anxious states that can occur during insomnia or for people equipped with a CPAP machine.
This technique effectively supports working on limiting thoughts or beliefs and provides keys to implementing good sleep hygiene.
Working with an EFT practitioner allows to accelerate progress and then work on oneself autonomously and accurately. Some people may need several EFT sessions, while others feel that one or two sessions allow them to permanently eliminate a problem they have struggled with for a long time.
There are many emotional release techniques, and they allow working gently, at one’s own pace. Generally, it is important to continue working between sessions for the benefit to be installed.
How does a session go ?
The number of sessions can vary depending on the target of work, the person’s knowledge of the technique, and the desired results. Generally, we take the time to do an anamnesis, explain the points to work on, target the difficulty to find a behavioral goal. Then, we detail the steps to work on oneself and achieve one’s goals.
The number of sessions varies between 3 and 10 and lasts between 45 and 60 minutes.
How does a session go ?
The number of sessions can vary depending on the target of work, the person’s knowledge of the technique, and the desired results. Generally, we take the time to do an anamnesis, explain the points to work on, target the difficulty to find a behavioral goal. Then, we detail the steps to work on oneself and achieve one’s goals.
The number of sessions varies between 3 and 10 and lasts between 45 and 60 minutes.