Young parents’ sleep

Sleep hygiene

“Sleep…” can be a constant thought when it comes to adjust to a young child’s nocturnal awakenings. Indeed, after birth, parents’ sleep is often disturbed, leading them to gradually accumulate a significant sleep debt.

So how can you maintain good sleep hygiene until your child goes back to sleep on his own and sleeps through the night?
Here’s our advice:

Pace of life

Adopt regular bedtimes and create a routine so that the body recognizes when it needs to go into “sleep mode”, while avoiding over-stimulation during the evening. This advice also applies to children, who need to learn to associate sleep with small routines (e.g. bathing, eating, quiet time with the family).

Don’t panic if your own or your child’s sleep rhythm becomes irregular. Even if each child begins to “sleep in” at a different time, the sleep rhythm will develop gradually.

– In the case of breastfeeding, the mother will have to adapt temporarily to the child’s needs, and sleep “as soon as possible” to compensate.

– In the case of bottle-feeding, the ideal situation is to alternate nights. Most of the time, both parents are constantly on the lookout, ready to get up at the slightest noise, which greatly impairs their sleep. By taking turns on watch, you won’t have to get up every night, while reducing the stress of constant vigilance.

Take a nap: if you’re sleep-deprived, it’s important to set aside time to rest during the day. 30 minutes of sleep will leave you feeling rested and with a clearer head. Ideally, you should rest during the day before 3 or 4 p.m., so as not to delay falling asleep in the evening.

Sleep environment

Create conditions conducive to sleep: for parents and children alike, it’s important to create an environment conducive to sleep (choose a clean, welcoming place with little light and a temperature slightly lower than other rooms).

– Be sure to reduce the light intensity before bedtime, and on the contrary, get plenty of light during the day, especially in the morning.


Avoid stimulants in the 2nd half of the afternoon (coffee, soft drinks…)

Eat lightly in the evening to aid digestion

Medication et complementation

Beware of self-medication: if you’re breast-feeding, it’s important to consult your doctor and/or paediatrician before using herbal remedies or over-the-counter medicines. As sleeping pills can pass into breast milk, their use should only be recommended by a doctor.

– In most cases, non-pharmacological measures such as relaxation, sophrology, mindfulness therapy or hypnosis can help you fall asleep more easily and manage stress.

If your sleep problems seem too severe, or if you’re feeling depressed, exhausted or over-stressed, don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor or paediatrician. Effective solutions can be put in place to rapidly improve the quality of your sleep and your well-being.