Sunday Night Insomnia

Did you know ?

Many people experience difficulties falling asleep, especially on Sunday nights. Far from being just a stereotype, this phenomenon is increasingly common.
The reasons for this issue vary from person to person. Let’s explore the causes and potential solutions..

Sunday Night Insomnia, a reality

The British hotel group Tune conducted a study revealing that 62% of the population suffers from sleep problems. Among this group, more than half struggle to fall asleep on Sunday nights, losing an average of 1.5 hours of sleep. Sunday night insomnia can be temporary, such as during exam periods for students or when employees have to prepare for a project or attend an important meeting. Insomnia leads to feel nervousness, which further exacerbate the problem, while the hours tick by.

What causes sunday night insomnia ?

Sunday night insomnia is particularly prevalent among individuals with demanding or frustrating jobs, or those experiencing poor relationships with colleagues or superiors. The stress of facing a busy week ahead can explain poor sleep quality. Additionally, shifting one’s biological clock over the weekend by eating and going to bed later can also contribute to this phenomenon.

For 10% of those surveyed, stress related to commuting and traffic congestion also appears to be a contributing factor to their poor sleep. According to specialists like Jean-Paul Guedj, a management consultant, and Agnès de la Garanderie, a psychoanalyst and corporate coach, sunday night insomnia may stem from a childhood fear: the anxiety of going to school without having completed homework.

How to Sleep Better on sunday night?

To address this, it’s important to understand the origin of this insomnia. Here are some tips to help reduce stress or anxiety on Sunday evenings:

  • Avoid sleeping late on weekends: It can disrupt your biological clock. Instead, opt for short naps of up to 20 minutes.
  • Avoid talking about or thinking about work on weekends: Disconnect from your phone and wait until Monday to respond to emails.
  • Exercise on Sundays: Physical activity will tire your body and help you sleep better. Activities like a leisurely walk, jogging, cycling, or yoga are ideal.
  • If you have time during Monday’s lunch break, take an hour for yourself: Treat yourself. The positive experience will make returning to work more pleasant.

Depending on the reasons and severity of your insomnia, your doctor may suggest additional treatments such as micronutrition, herbal therapy, hypnosis, or refer you to a sleep specialist (somnologist, psychologist, specialized center).

Sunday insomnia should not be taken lightly as it can lead to more severe long-term health conditions and may contribute to accidents, both in the workplace and on the road.